Tag: plants

springtime gardening yellow flower

It’s Spring, so how on earth can I write about anything other than gardening? This is one of my favorite times of year, invoking a sense of new beginnings, as the clouds of winter pass on by, and the summer sun gifts us with light, long into the evenings. Margaret Atwood famously said, “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” I wholeheartedly agree, as it’s felt long overdue to get my hands back in my gardening beds. There’s nothing like turning the soil, getting creative with what to plant, and turning my country music up loud as I get to work. Gardening is a lot of work, but there is a simplicity to it that brings me to so much joy.

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Planting Seeds (In Life & Real Estate)

planting seeds chard

Gardening, I’ve learned, is a year-long endeavor. There is no summer break, winter holiday, or vacation from it. If I want my garden to remain good ground for all manner of vegetation and floral landscape, I have to work – all – year – long. I make it sound tireless, but honestly, there are few things I love more. Nothing compares to the therapeutic turning of soil, the joy of a long awaited bud, and the satisfaction of cooking a vegetable that was once just a seed. Gardening helps me clear my head, the mechanics of getting your hands dirty does that. The art of it has taught me patience, how to bounce back from a failed crop, and that nothing says, “Welcome to the neighborhood!” like fresh cut flowers & a basket of tomatoes.

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Merry Christmas: 2 Easy DIY Gift Ideas

easy diy gift light jars

It is no secret the Christmas season can be an expensive one. Every year, more people seem to be added to your shopping list, and the malls get crazier by the day. If we’re not careful to keep our priorities straight, the hustle and bustle of the season could consume us, and Christmas could disappear as soon as it arrived. This really is one of my favorite times of year, and I just don’t want to miss it! With two sons in the military and kids grown up and in college, Christmas brings them all home, and lots of joy and laughter with them. Being together is what this season is all about, to remember, celebrate, and hang on to the hope we have, no matter our circumstance.

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